
Resuelve tus dudas antes de construir tu casa

Planifica la construcción de tu hogar con la tranquilidad de saber exactamente cuál es el siguiente paso.

Hurry! Limited spaces.

This is what you get in the free consultation

Get all your doubts answered

Conoce el paso a paso, los posibles costes y los detalles necesarios para hacer realidad tu hogar.

Conoce los plazos necesarios

Conoce los plazos necesarios para construir tu casa, tal como la imaginas.

Visita nuestra casa de muestra (opcional)

No te pierdas ningún detalle de los acabados de primera calidad que podrías tener en tu propio hogar.

Hurry! Limited spaces.

¿Por qué lo hacemos?

Sabemos lo estresante que puede ser planificar la construcción de tu propia casa. Encontrar alguien de confianza, que realmente pueda plasmar tus ideas, que respete los plazos

En Total Homes creemos que you deserve to enjoy every moment of the process, y por eso te ofrecemos asesoramiento personalizado sin cargo, para que comiences tu proyecto con total peace of mind.

Getting your free assessment is as easy as...


Agenda una llamada de valoración previa

Te llamamos 10 minutos para conocerte, verificar que cumples las condiciones y agendar el asesoramiento.


Disfruta de tu asesoramiento gratis

Nos reunimos, nos cuentas absolutamente todo sobre tu hogar y te asesoramos en todos los detalles.


Start planning the construction of your home

¡Respira! Ya sabes exactamente cuáles son los siguientes pasos a seguir. ¡Ahora empieza lo bueno!

Hurry! Limited spaces.

Total Homes is a company with excellent professionals. They are serious, they meet deadlines and the materials are of good quality. They have very competitive prices and the most important thing: behind the company's brand (Total Homes) there are people. They always serve to you and respond. (...) They are the most professional in Catalonia at the moment. Serious people.

* Translated with Google Translate
Total Homes is an excellent company. Tony, its manager, a good professional who helped us out of a nightmare, fixing a new-build apartment that we bought from the developer (...). Do not hesitate to hire Total Homes. This company has excellent professionals and a manager who is a great person.

*Translated with Google Translate
Professionalism and confidence, that is what we have found at Total Homes. (...) Tony was by our side at all times to make sure that everything was going according to our taste. (...) Something very important, with the works already underway, we made several changes with respect to the initial plans and without any problem. The finishes are spectacular and the materials are of the highest quality. We are very grateful and would certainly repeat the experience.

*Translated with Google Translate

Get your assessment

Estamos deseando escucharte y conocer al pie de la letra cómo imaginas la casa de tus sueños. Book your assessment call now!

TOTAL HOME processes the personal data with the purpose of answering queries, doubts or for settling claims. The data subject has the right to access, rectification, erasure, to restriction of processing, to object as well as to data portability, as established in our Privacy Policy and guide you through the Legal Notice.
Constructora de casas eficientes Barcelona

C/ Rosselló, 77, bajos. 08029 Barcelona
+34 938 314 774 | +34 636 373 207


*Terms and conditions of the promotion
Promotion valid only for new home construction - renovations are excluded. Applicants must own a plot of land for the construction, or be in the final stages of purchase. The land must be located in the area of Barcelona (Spain), within a 40 km radius of the city. Places are limited.
